Controls: Up / Down Arrow keys or W,S, to steer the plane up or down. Controls are inverted.

Purpose :

The purpose of this prototype was to debug a project from The following bugs were apart of the original build and have now been fixed:

  1. The plane flies backward
  2. The plane flies too fast
  3. The plane does not respond to inputs
  4. The camera is not positioned correctly

Additional functionality was added:

  • The propeller spins


  1. The plane was using Vector3.back instead of Vector3.forward.
  2. The plane was moving by frames per second, and varied depending on how many frames per second the program was running. Multiply Time.deltaTime to the Vector3 to convert it to 1 frame per second.
  3.  In the script, the transform.Translate did not have a vertical input that multiplied with the Vector3.
    1. transform.Rotate(Vector3.right * rotationSpeed * Time.deltaTime)  -->
    2. transform.Rotate(Vector3.right * rotationSpeed * Time.deltaTime * verticalInput);
  4. The plane was not assigned to the camera in the inspector. Additionally the offset has not been defined.
    1. private Vector3 offset -->
    2. private Vector3 offset = new Vector3(27, 0, 9);


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There are alot of glitches. I think that you need to fix that you can fly strait through the walls, and you can go down through the camera effects, and see the normal unity sky.

Thank you!!! It is a work in progress (:
