Controls: Use WASD to move your dog to the finish line. Beware, food is coming in from the right, tempting you into eating and never getting to the finish line. Dodge the food and keep going! Or if you're feeling generous,  push other dogs to the finish line as well.


  • Design a game that includes a counter.
  • The UI needs to update as things are being counted.


  1. I came up with a game where dogs have to reach the finish line. As they reach the finish line, they are counted. The degree of randomness is random food being thrown at them from the right. Initially the player was just a human, but I decided it would be better for the player to be the dog and run with the other dogs. This way the player can observe the other dogs, and makes the gameplay more dynamic.
  2. I assembled dogs in a straight line, added Rigidbodies, and Box Colliders. Then I made them move forward with transform.Translate.
  3. After that I selected 5 different food types and put them into an array. I used InvokeRepeating and Random.Range to spawn random foods from a random position along the x axis (on the right side). Each food utilized transform.Translate to move left, and self-destructed with Destroy if they moved too far to the left.
  4. I created if statements and booleans to program the interactions.
    1. If food collided with dog, the food would stop moving. The dog would start a eating animation and would be unable to travel forward. The food would disappear after a few seconds so the dog would have time to eat it (using a coroutine).
    2. If the dog collided with the back wall, they would go into a sitting animation and a fireworks particle would play. 
    3. If the player collided with the food they would be forced to eat and stop moving. The reset button will appear. If the player reaches the wall, the reset button will also appear.
  5. Finally I made the button restart the game by using the SceneManager

Additional notes:

  • There should be a unique / rewarding notification for getting all the dogs to the wall. Moving the dogs manually require a lot of risk and the player should be rewarded for that.  Additionally there should be a specific animation for when the player is pushing other dogs.
  • Making the dogs touch the wall will incur additional points for "Good Dogs." This should be fixed in later builds.

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