Controls: W/D or Left/Right Arrow keys to move left or right. [SPACE] to fire bananas

Purpose of Feed Animals Prototype:

  • Write a script that allows users to move left / right, between two points
  • Allow users to fire out an object if button is pressed
  • When object collides with animal, both object and animal should disappear
  • Spawn random animals at random locations (across same axis) at a fixed interval, and have them move forward


  • C# Scripting in Visual Studio:
    • Use an If Statement and transform.position to restrict the player between two points on the x axis
    • Use Instantiate and Input.GetKey down to spawn the food
    • Use InvokeRepeating to spawn animals at a fixed interval
    • Create an Array that stores 3 different animals
    • Call on an animal randomly from the array and spawn them at a random point on the x axis with Instantiate
    • Use Destroy and an If Statement to destroy objects / animals that exit the screen
    • Use Detect Collisions to detect when an object collides with an animal and destroy them both
  • Unity
    • Add Colliders to animals / food to detect collisions
    • Create Prefabs for animals / food that will be reused often
    • Create a SpawnManager that houses the array of animals

Plans for future improvement:

  • Increase the vertical resolution to allow players to see animals earlier
  • Decrease the speed of the chicken
  • Create a cool down period between food launches
  • Add particle effects when the food collides with the animal
  • Start an animation when the player launches the food
  • Player death when animal collides with player
  • Allow the player to hit a powerup that will allow him to
    • Get a speed boost
    • Fire projectiles at a quicker rate 

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