Controls: [SPACE] to release a dog and capture a ball

The purpose of this project was to debug a program. The following errors were present in the original build.

  1. The player spawns balls instead of a dog
  2. Ball is destroyed far away from dog
  3. Nothing is destroyed off screen
  4. Only one type of ball spawns.

I fixed the above issues and added additional functionality, included below:

  1. The spawn interval is random (between 3-5 seconds)
  2. There can only be one dog at a time to prevent players from spamming the key.

In the future, a UI system that actively rewards points whenever the dog catches the ball or subtract points  whenever the dog misses the ball would be ideal. Player animations whenever the dog is released or when the dog misses the ball would be nice. Dog should also have an an animation when it catches the ball.

Plans for future improvement:

  • Create a UI system that records points whenever dog catches a ball
  • Subtract points whenever player misses the ball
  • Player changes animation whenever dog is launched and ball is missed
  • Dog changes animation whenever it catches the ball

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